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University of Greenwich

Lokasyon ikonu Londra - İngiltere
University of Greenwich görseli
University of Greenwich
Lokasyon İkonu Londra - İngiltere
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Okul Hakkında

University of Greenwich, 1890 yılında Woolwich Polytechnic olarak kurulmuş ve 1992 yılında günümüzdeki Greenwich adını alarak gelişmeye devam etmiştir. University of Greenwich'in Greenwich Kampüsü, güneydoğu Londra'nın kalbinde yer alan bir Dünya Mirası Alanı üzerine kurulmuştur. Bu bölge, hareketli bir atmosfere sahip olmasına rağmen şehrin gürültüsünden uzaktadır, bu da öğrenim için ideal bir ortam sunar. Kampüs, tarihi simgelerle çevrilidir. Greenwich Park'a ve çeşitli restoranlara yakın bir lokasyonda  bulunmaktadır. Kampüs çevresindeki birçok mekan, The King's Speech, Les Misérables, Four Weddings and a Funeral ve The Queen gibi filmler için set olarak kullanılmıştır. Greenwich Kampüsü, kampüs içinde bir bar, iki kafe ve yemek yiyebileceğiniz birçok yerleşkeye sahiptir. Greenwich, barlar, restoranlar ve canlı müzik mekanları ile doludur. Dünyanın en büyük müzik arenalarından biri olan O2, Kuzey Greenwich'te bulunmaktadır. Ed Sheeran, Rhianna, Jay Z ve The Rolling Stones gibi sanatçılar burada sahne almıştır.  Kampüs kapılarının hemen dışında, dünyanın dört bir yanından el sanatları ve sokak yiyecekleri bulabileceğiniz Greenwich Pazarı bulunmaktadır. 

University of Greenwich, öğrencilere iş dünyasıyla yakın işbirliği ve staj fırsatları sunar. Özellikle, Greenwich Maritime Kampüsü'nün denizcilik ve deniz işletmeciliği alanlarında uzmanlığı bulunur ve öğrencilere benzersiz öğrenim ve araştırma fırsatları sunar. University of Greenwich, sanat ve tasarım alanında da öne çıkan bir üniversitedir. Özellikle, kreatif endüstrilerde kariyer yapmak isteyen öğrencilere modern atölye ve stüdyo ortamlarında eğitim imkanı sunar. Sanat, mimari, moda ve diğer görsel sanatlar alanlarında öğrencilerin potansiyellerini keşfetmelerine ve geliştirmelerine olanak tanır. 

Üniversite, uluslararası alanda tanınan akademik kadrosuyla bilinir. Öğrencilere dünya çapında tanınmış uzmanlarla çalışma ve onlardan ders alma fırsatı sunar. Bu, öğrencilere küresel bir bakış açısı kazandırır ve uluslararası alanda kariyer fırsatları yaratır.  

Genel Bilgiler

  • Üniversite Tipi Public
  • Kuruluş Yılı 1890
  • Eğitim Dili İngilizce
  • Öğrenci Sayısı 14678
  • Yerleşkeler Avery Hill Greenwich, Medway
  • Dünya Sıralaması 601-800

Programlar ve Ücretleri

Accounting and Business Analytics, BA Hons
Accounting and Finance (Extended), BA Hons
Accounting and Finance, BA Hons
Accounting and Finance, BA Hons (Year 2 & 3 Direct Entry)
Business with Finance, BA Hons
Finance and Investment Banking, BSc Hons
Finance and Investment Banking, BSc Hons (Year 2 & 3 Direct Entry)
Architecture, BA Hons
Landscape Architecture, BA Hons
Applied Biomedical Science, BSc Hons
Biology (Extended), BSc Hons
Biology, BSc Hons
Biology, MBiol
Biomedical Science (Extended), BSc Hons
Biomedical Science, BSc Hons
Business Entrepreneurship and Innovation, BA Hons
Business Logistics and Transport Management (Year 2 & 3 Direct Entry), BA Hons
Business Logistics and Transport Management, BA Hons
Business Management (Extended), BA Hons
Business Management (Year 2 & 3 Entry), BA Hons
Business Management and Leadership, BA Hons
Business Management, BA Hons
Business Purchasing and Supply Chain Management (Year 2 & 3 Direct Entry), BA Hons
Business Purchasing and Supply Chain Management, BA Hons
Business Studies (Year 2 & 3 Direct Entry), BA Hons
Business Studies, BA Hons
Business with Accounting (Year 3 Direct Entry), BA Hons
Business with Marketing (Year 2 & 3 Direct Entry), BA Hons
Business with Finance (Year 2 & 3 Direct Entry), BA Hons
Business with Marketing, BA Hons
Chartered Manager Degree Apprenticeship - Business Administration, BSc Hons
Human Resource Management, BA Hons
International Business with Language, BA Hons
International Business, BA Hons
Chemistry (Extended), BSc Hons
Chemistry, BSc Hons
Chemistry, BSc Hons (Degree Apprenticeship)
Chemistry, HNC
Chemistry, HNC (Higher Apprenticeship)
Business Computing, BSc Hons
Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence), BSc Hons
Computer Science (Cyber Security), BSc Hons
Computer Science (Data Science), BSc Hons
Computer Science (Games), BSc Hons
Computer Science (Networking), BSc Hons
Computer Science, BSc Hons
Computing (Artificial Intelligence), BSc Hons
Computing (Information Systems), BSc Hons
Computing (Network Systems), BSc Hons
Computing, BSc Hons
Computing, BSc Hons (Extended)
Cyber Security and Digital Forensics, BSc Hons
Data Science, BSc Hons
Criminology and Criminal Justice, BA Hons
Criminology and Criminal Psychology (Extended), BSc Hons
Criminology and Criminal Psychology, BSc Hons
Sociology and Criminology, BSc Hons
Animation, BA Hons
Creative Advertising and Art Direction, BA Hons
Graphic and Digital Design, BA Hons
Graphic and Digital Design, HND
Drama and English Literature with International Study, BA Hons
Drama and English Literature, BA Hons
Drama with International Study, BA Hons
Drama, BA Hons
Professional Dance and Musical Theatre, BA Hons
Early Years (QA only), FdA (London South East Colleges)
Early Years Teacher Status, PGCE
Early Years, BA Hons
Early Years, BA Hons (Top-up)
Education Studies (Top Up)
Education Studies, BA Hons (Top up) (NESCOT)
Further Education and Skill Sector,Prof Cert Ed (FE) (QA Only) (NESCOT)
Business Economics, BA Hons
Economics (Year 2 & 3 Direct Entry), BSc Hons
Economics, BSc Hons
Chemical Engineering (Extended), BEng Hons
Chemical Engineering with Industrial Practice, BEng Hons
Chemical Engineering, BEng Hons
Civil Engineering (Extended), BEng Hons
Civil Engineering, BEng Hons
Computer Engineering (Extended), BEng Hons
Computer Engineering, BEng Hons
Cybernetics (Extended), BEng Hons
Cybernetics, BEng Hons
Software Engineering
Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Extended), BEng Hons
Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technology, BEng Hons
Electrical and Electronic Engineering, BEng Hons
Mechanical Engineering (Extended), BEng Hons
Mechanical Engineering Technology, BEng Hons
Mechanical Engineering, BEng Hons
Engineering Management (Extended), BEng Hons
Engineering Management, BEng Hons
Engineering, Design and Innovation (Extended), BEng Hons
Engineering, Design and Innovation, BEng Hons
Occupational Safety, Health and Environment, BSc Hons (Top-up)
Quantity Surveying, BSc Hons
Quantity Surveying, BSc Hons (Degree Apprenticeship)
Creative Writing and English Literature, BA Hons
Creative Writing, BA Hons
Drama and English Literature with International Study, BA Hons
English Language and Literature, BA Hons
English Language and TESOL, BA Hons
English Literature with Creative Writing, BA Hons
English Literature, BA Hons
Environmental Science (Extended), BSc Hons
Environmental Science, BSc Hons
Creative Advertising and Art Direction, BA Hons
Film and Television Production, BA Hons
Film Studies, BA Hons
Media and Communications, BA Hons
Music and Sound Production, BA Hons
Forensic and Digital Investigation with Industrial Placement, BSc Hons
Forensic and Digital Investigation, BSc Hons
Forensic Science (Extended), BSc Hons
Forensic Science with Criminology (Extended), BSc Hons
Forensic Science with Criminology and Industrial Placement, BSc Hons
Forensic Science with Criminology, BSc Hons
Forensic Science with Industrial Placement, BSc Hons
Forensic Science, BSc Hons
Forensic Toxicology, BSc Hons
Games Development, BSc Hons
Adult Nursing, BSc Hons
Children's Nursing, BSc Hons
Health and Social Care, BA Hons (Top-up)
Learning Disabilities Nursing, BSc Hons
Mental Health Nursing, BSc Hons
Midwifery (Avery Hill), BSc Hons
Midwifery (Medway), BSc Hons
Operating Department Practitioner, BSc Hons
Operating Department Practitioner, BSc Hons (Degree Apprenticeship)
Paramedic Science, BSc Hons
Physiotherapy, BSc Hons
Psychology with Counselling, BSc Hons
Public Health (Extended), BSc Hons
Public Health, BSc Hons
Social Work, BA Hons
Specialist Practitioner (District Nursing), BSc Hons (Top up)
Speech and Language Therapy, BSc Hons
History and English, BA Hons
History and Politics, BA Hons
History and Sociology, BA Hons
History, BA Hons
Food Science & Nutrition, BSc Hons
Human Nutrition & Health (Extended), BSc Hons
Human Nutrition & Health, BSc Hons
Human Resource Management, BA Hons
Languages and International Relations, BA Hons
Politics and International Relations, BA Hons
Landscape Architecture, BA Hons
Law (Extended), LLB Hons
Law Senior Status, LLB Hons
Law in Practice, LLB Hons
Law with Criminology, LLB Hons
Law, LLB Hons
Study Abroad, LLB Hons
Business Logistics and Transport Management (Year 2 & 3 Direct Entry), BA Hons
Business Logistics and Transport Management, BA Hons
Business Purchasing and Supply Chain Management (Year 2 & 3 Direct Entry), BA Hons
Business Purchasing and Supply Chain Management, BA Hons
Advertising and Digital Marketing Communications (Year 2 & 3 Direct Entry), BA Hons
Digital Marketing and Advertising, BA Hons
Marketing and Brand Management, BA Hons
Financial Mathematics, BSc Hons
Mathematics and Computer Science, BSc Hons
Mathematics with Business, BSc Hons
Mathematics with Economics, BSc Hons
Mathematics with International Study, BSc
Mathematics, BSc Hons
Statistics and Data Analytics, BSc Hons
Pharmaceutical Sciences (Extended), BSc Hons
Pharmaceutical Sciences, BSc Hons
Pharmaceutical Sciences, BSc Hons (Degree Apprenticeship)
Pharmacy (MPharm) with Preparatory Year
Pharmacy, MPharm
Business Psychology, BSc Hons
Psychology (Extended), BSc Hons
Psychology with Counselling, BSc Hons
Psychology, BSc Hons
Sociology and Psychology, BSc Hons
Applied Biomedical Science, BSc Hons
Biology (Extended), BSc Hons
Biology, BSc Hons
Biology, MBiol
Biomedical Science (Extended), BSc Hons
Biomedical Science, BSc Hons
Sociology, BA Hons
Primary Education with QTS (5-11), BA Hons
Primary Education with Qualified Teacher Status (QTS), BA Hons
Professional Certificate in Education (Further Education and Training)
Events Management and Innovation, BA Hons
Hospitality Management (Year 2 & 3 Direct Entry), BA Hons
Hospitality Management, BA Hons
Tourism Management with Language, BA Hons
Tourism Management, BA Hons
Construction Management, BSc Hons
Accounting and Finance, MSc
Finance and Investment, MSc
Finance and Investment, MSc (DUAL Award, Greenwich and New Zealand)
Finance, MBA
Financial Management and Risk, MSc
Fintech and Finance, MSc
International Banking and Finance, MSc
Architectural Practice, PGDip (ARB/RIBA Part 3 Exemption)
Architecture Part 2, MArch
Architecture, Landscape and Urbanism, MSc
Landscape Architecture, MA
Landscape Architecture, MLA
Biomedical Science (Online), MSc/PGDip/PGCert
Biotechnology, MSc
Haematology, MSc/PGDip/PGCert
Healthcare Management, MSc/PGDip/PGCert
Healthcare Quality Management, MSc/PGDip/PGCert
Business Analytics, MSc
Executive Master of Business Administration, MBA
International Business, MA
International Business, MA (Dual Award, Greenwich and New Zealand)
International Business, MBA
MBA Global
MBA Global with Placement
Marketing Management, MBA
Senior Leader Higher Apprenticeship
Advanced Chemical Engineering with Industrial Practice, MSc
Advanced Chemical Engineering, MSc
Civil Engineering with Industrial Practice, MSc
Civil Engineering, MSc
Water, Waste and Environmental Engineering with Industrial Practice, MSc
Water, Waste and Environmental Engineering, MSc
Machine Intelligence, MSc
Data Science and its Applications (Medway), MSc
Big Data and Business Intelligence, MSc
Computer Forensics and Cyber Security, MSc
Computer Science (Network Engineering), MSc
Computer Science, MSc
Computing and Information Systems, MSc
Data Science and its Applications, MSc
Data Science, MSc
Management of Business Information Technology, MSc
Construction Management and Economics, MSc
Construction Project Management, MSc
Facilities Management, MSc
Occupational Hygiene, MSc
Project Management (International) (Distance Learning), MSc
Real Estate Development and Investment, MSc
Real Estate, MSc
Safety, Health and Environment, MSc
Sustainable Building Design and Engineering, MSc
Criminology and Criminal Psychology, MSc
Criminology, Gender and Sexualities, MSc
International Criminology, MA
Design, MA
Web Design and Content Planning, MA
Early Years Teacher Status, PGCE
Economics, MSc
Education, MA
International Postgraduate Certificate in Education (Online)
Higher Education, PGCert
Special Educational Needs: Leading Effective and Inclusive Practice (National Award for Special Educational Needs Coordination), PGCert
Post Graduate Certificate in Education (Further Education and Training)
Primary Education (3-11) (Provider-led School-based) with QTS, PGCE
Primary Education (3-11) (Provider-led University-based) with QTS, PGCE
Professional Graduate Certificate in Education (Further Education and Training)
School Direct Training Programme (Secondary), PGCE
School Direct Training Programmes (Primary)
Secondary PGCE (11-19) (Provider-led School-based) with QTS
Secondary PGCE with QTS (11-19) (Provider-led) (Mathematics)
Secondary PGCE with QTS (11-19) (Provider-led) (Physical Education)
Secondary PGCE with QTS (11-19) (Provider-led) (Science with Biology)
Secondary PGCE with QTS (11-19) (Provider-led) (Science with Chemistry)
Secondary PGCE with QTS (11-19) (Provider-led) (Science with Physics)
Electrical Power Engineering with Industrial Practice, MSc
Electrical Power Engineering, MSc
Electrical and Electronic Engineering with Industrial Practice, MSc
Electrical and Electronic Engineering, MSc
Advanced Chemical Engineering with Industrial Practice, MSc
Advanced Chemical Engineering, MSc
Civil Engineering with Industrial Practice, MSc
Civil Engineering, MSc
Engineering Management with Industrial Practice, MSc
Engineering Management, MSc
Engineering, MSc by Research
Facilities Management, MSc
Global Shipping Management, MSc
Machine Intelligence, MSc
Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering with Industrial Practice, MSc
Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, MSc
Occupational Hygiene, MSc
Product Design Engineering, MSc
Project Management (International) (Distance Learning), MSc
Water, Waste and Environmental Engineering with Industrial Practice, MSc
Water, Waste and Environmental Engineering, MSc
Applied Linguistics, MA
Creative Writing, MA
English Literature, MA
Agriculture for Sustainable Development, MSc
Global Environmental Change, MSc
Natural Resources, MSc (by Research)
Transformative Change for Sustainable Development, MSc
Digital Arts, MA
Film Production, MA
Media and Creative Cultures, MA
Music and Sound Design, MA
Physician Associate, MSc (Degree Apprenticeship)
Advanced Clinical Practice, MSc
Enhanced Professional Practice, PGDip
Global Health Management, MSc
Global Public Health MSc
Healthcare Practice, MA
Interprofessional Healthcare Simulation, MSc
Nursing (Adult Nursing), MSc
Nursing (Children’s Nursing), MSc
Nursing (Learning Disabilities Nursing), MSc
Nursing (Mental Health Nursing), MSc
Physician Associate, MSc
Social Work, PGDip/MA
Specialist Community Public Health Nursing (Health Visiting and School Nursing), PGDip
Specialist Practitioner (District Nursing), PGDip
Therapeutic Counselling, MSc
Applied Food Safety and Quality Management with Industrial Practice, MSc
Applied Food Safety and Quality Management, PGDip/MSc
Food Innovation with Industrial Practice, MSc
Food Innovation, MSc
Food Safety and Quality Management e-learning, PGCert/PGDip/MSc
Human Resource Management, MA
International & Commercial Law, LLM
Law, Regulation and the International Financial System, MSc
Logistics and Supply Chain Management, MA
Digital Marketing Management, MSc
Marketing Management, MA
Marketing Management, MBA
Strategic Marketing, MA
Strategic Marketing, MA (Dual Award)
Sport and Exercise Psychology, MSc
Strength and Conditioning, MSc
Formulation Science, MSc
Pharmaceutical Science, MSc/PGDip
Pharmaceutical Sciences with Industrial Practice, MSc
General Pharmacy Practice, PGCert/PGDip/MSc
Independent/Supplementary Prescribing, PGCert
Medicines Optimisation, PGCert/PGDip/MSc
Child and Adolescent Psychology, MSc
Criminology and Criminal Psychology, MSc
Forensic Psychology, MSc
Occupational Psychology, MSc
Psychology, MSc (Conversion Degree)
Sport and Exercise Psychology, MSc
Therapeutic Counselling, MSc
Global Health Management, MSc
Global Public Health MSc
International Events Management, MA
International Tourism and Hospitality Management, MA