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Courteously greet and escort guests to tables and assist in seating, ensuring Hotel standards of service. Assist in preparing the Restaurant for service and maintaining the cleanliness of the room at all times. Take reservations and maintain reservation book. Assist in monitoring the guests’ needs and all phases of the operation.

1. Must have good understanding of the English language.
2. Good verbal and written communication skills.
3. Provide excellent customer service and maintain a professional demeanor.
1. High school graduate or equivalent vocational training certificate.
2. Restaurant service experience. 3. Ability to use P.O.S. system.

1. Be familiar with all hotel services/features and local attractions/activities to respond to guest inquires accurately.
2. Monitor and maintain cleanliness, sanitation and organization of assigned work areas.
3. Prepare station chart and assign stations to staff following departmental procedures.
4. Set up Host(ess) station with necessary supplies; maintain cleanliness at all times. Report shortages to Supervisor.
5. Inspect the Restaurant environment and entrance area, ensuring that all standards are met; rectify any deficiencies; maintain cleanliness at all times.
6. Greet and acknowledge all arriving guests, however busy and whatever time of day.
7. Escort guests to tables and assist in seating at tables; present menus and extend congeniality’s in accordance to department guidelines.
8. Monitor and ensure that all aspects of service conform to departmental standards. Notify respective personnel for problems to be corrected.
9. Document maintenance needs on work orders and submit to Manager.

Kibar ve otel kurallarina uygun bir sekilde musterileri karsilama, masalarina kadar eslik etme ve oturmalarina yardimci olma. Restaurantin servise acilmasina yardimci olmave surekli temizligini saglama. Rezervasyonlari alma ve rezervasyon defterini tutma. Musteri ihtiyaclarini gozetleme ve yardimci olma.

1. Ingilizceyi iyi anlayabilmeli.
2. Iyi derecede sozlu ve yazili Ingilizce iletisim kabiliyeti.
3. Mukemmel musteri hizmeti saglama ve profesyonel davranis sergileme.
1. Lise mezuniyeti veya es deger mesleki egitim sertifikasi.
2. Restaurant servis tecrubesi.
3. P.O.S sistemini kullanma kabiliyeti.

1. Tum otel isleyisi ve hizmetleri hakkinda genel bilgiye sahip olma ve musterilerin sorularini cevaplayabilcek kadar bolge ve bolgede yapilabilecekler hakkinda bilgiye sahip olma.
2. Belirlenen calisma alanlarinda temizligi, gida hijyenini saglama ve gozetme.
3. Servis istasyonlarini hazirlama ve departman kurallarina uygun olarak calisanlara paylastirma.
4. Host ve Hostess servis istasyonlarini gerekli malzemeler olacak sekilde hazirlama ve surekli temiz tutma. Eksiklerden supervizoru haberdar etme.
5. Restaurantin giris ve cevresini kontrol etme, her seyin olmasi gerektigi gibi oldugundan emin olma; tum uygunsuzluklari duzeltme; surekli temizligi saglama.
6. Ne kadar mesgul olursaniz olun ve gunun hangi zamaninda olursaniz olun tum gelen musterileri selamlama ve bilgilendirme.
7. Musterilere masalara kadar eslik etme ve oturmalarina yardimci olma. Menuleri takdim etme ve bolum kurallarina uygun ilgi alaka gosterme.
8. Hizmetlerin tum yoleri ile departmaninizin kurallarina uygunlugunu gozetleme ve saglama. Ilgili kisileri problemlerden haberdar edip duzeltilmelerini saglama.
9. Ihtiyaclari belirleme ve mudure bildirme.

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